Isabel M.L. Ridge, PhD
Director - TTI Testing LtdPhone: 07846 236035
Email: ridge@TensionTech.comDr Isabel Ridge joined Tension Technology International as a consultant in October 2007. At University, Isabel studied Mechanical Engineering, and first started working with ropes in 1987 when she undertook her final year project to design and manufacture equipment for investigating the combined bending-tension fatigue loading of wire ropes. She was awarded the Institution of Mechanical Engineers project prize for this work. Following on with continued studies in this field, she completed her PhD thesis, ‘Bending-tension fatigue of wire rope’ in 1992, for which she was later awarded the OIPEEC Prize for a contribution to rope research by a young researcher.
After completing her ‘formal’ education at the University of Reading, Isabel remained working there in the Rope Research Group, on numerous rope related project and studies. One such project led to the award in 1994 of the Worshipful Company of Turners Design Prize Silver Medal for her design of ‘Equipment for the interactive fatigue testing of wire rope’. During the subsequent years, Isabel rose to the position of Principal Research Fellow and Manager of the Rope Research Group.
Isabel has developed a strong background in the field of ropes for offshore applications, particularly in the safety critical area of deep sea moorings for oil platforms. She has unparalleled experience of testing, condition assessment and prediction of service behaviour in this field. More recently, her research has developed a better understanding of the torsional properties of the various types of mooring components in use (both wire and fibre ropes as well as chain) and allowed prediction of the way in which they interact. This knowledge has led not only to improved installation procedures, but has allowed operators to avoid system configurations which would lead to poor service compromising system integrity.
Isabel left academia to work in industry in 2005 when she joined CASAR Wire Rope (Kirkel, Germany) as Head of Research and Development. During her time there, amongst other projects, she was chiefly responsible for developing a new generation of ‘composite’ ropes which effectively combine high strength aramid fibres with steel strands. Such light-weight high-strength ropes are of great commercial value to various industries (such as offshore and deep mining) where long lengths of rope are employed and weight becomes a critical factor.
The University of Reading, BSc. (Mechanical Engineering with Maths), 1988
The University of Reading, PhD. Thesis on ‘Bending-tension fatigue of wire rope’, 1992
Department of Engineering, University of Reading
Research Assistant, 1991-1998 (including two periods as a temporary lecturer in 1994 and 1996-97)
Senior Research Fellow – Rope research management, 1998 – 2004
Principal Research Fellow – Rope research management, 2004 – 2005CASAR Drahtseilwerk Saar GmbH, D66459, Kirkel, Germany
Head of Research and Development, 2005 – 2007Industrial sponsored work and consultancies:
Aerolaminates Ltd., Allseas Engineering BV, Amerada Hess Ltd., Bluewater Engineering BV, BP, Bridon International Ltd., Charles Thompkins Consultants Ltd. (CTC Marine Projects), Cleveland Potash Ltd., Deepsea Engineering & Management Ltd., Exxon Mobil, FMC SOFEC Floating Systems, Global Marine, Haggie Rand Ltd., Halliburton, Millfield Enterprises Ltd., North Midland Construction plc., Petrobras S.A., Santa Fe, ScanRope, Sonardyne Int. Ltd., Technip-Coflexip, Teufelberger Seil GmbH, Transocean Deepwater Drilling Inc., UK Health & Safety ExecutiveRegistration
Chartered Mechanical Engineer (CEng), UK.
Committees and Professional societies
Fellow, Institution of Mechanical Engineers (FIMechE)
Registered with FEANI (Eur Ing)Member, Institute of Non-destructive testing (MInstNDT)
Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufacturers and Commerce (FRSA)
Chairman of the Editorial Board for the International Journal of Rope Science and Technology
Member of the OIPEEC (Organisation Internationale pour l’Etude de l’Endurance des Câbles) Management Committee, 1995-present
Chairman of the OIPEEC Scientific Committee 2003-2009
Vice-President of OIPEEC 2009-2011
President OIPEEC 2011 -
Chair IMechE Oxford Area Committee 2011 -
Honours and awards
Institution of Mechanical Engineers project prize, 1988
Worshipful Company of Turners design prize Highly Commended, 1989
OIPEEC Award, 1993
Worshipful Company of Turners design prize Silver Medal, 1994
2005 PE Publishing Award for the J. Strain Analysis (with Professor R.E. Hobbs) for the papers Torque in mooring chain parts 1 and 2, 2005
Publications and Patents
Over thirty five published papers and about fifty research reports.
Edited the OIPEEC International Conference proceedings for the conferences in 2001 (Bethlehem, USA), 2003 (Lenzburg, Switzerland), 2006 (Athens, Greece), 2007 (Johannesburg, South Africa) and 2009 (Stuttgart, Germany).
Selected recent publications include:
Verreet, R. and Ridge, I.M.L. Wire rope forensics Proc. 10th International Offshore Cranes Conference, Stavanger, Norway 10th – 12th May 2005, also published as: Verreet, R. & Ridge, I.M.L. Wire rope forensics CASAR Drahtseilwerk Saar GmbH, Technical Documentation, 2005, Kirkel, Germany.
Hobbs, R.E. and Ridge, I.M.L. Torque in Mooring Chain – Part I Background and Theory J. Strain Analysis 40(2005)7, 703-713.
Ridge, I.M.L. and Hobbs, R.E. Torque in Mooring Chain – Part II Experimental investigation J. Strain Analysis 40(2005)7, 715-728.
Rebel, G., Verreet, R. and Ridge, I.M.L. Lightweight ropes for lifting applications in I.M.L. Ridge ed. Proceedings of the OIPEEC Conference ‘Trends for Ropes: design, application, operation’, Athens, Greece 27th - 28th March 2006, pp 33-54 ISBN: 0-9552500-0-5 (ISBN: 978-0-9552500-0-2 after 1st January 2007).
Ridge, I.M.L. Torsional problems for deepwater mooring lines Proc. Deep Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas 28th - 30th November 2006.
Ridge, I.M.L., O’Hear, N., Verreet, R., Grabandt, O. and Das, C.A.High strength fibre cored steel wire rope for deep hoisting applications in I.M.L. Ridge, ed., Proceedings of the OIPEEC Conference ‘How to get the most out of your ropes’ Johannesburg, South Africa, September 2007, ODN 0820, 225-240, ISBN: 978-0-9552500-1-9.
Ridge, I.M.L. Torsional characterization of ropes used offshore, J. Strain Analysis, 43(2008)2 121-139.